Recent Erotica Stories

Lost virginity with my friend’s brother

Its just a week since I crossed the threshold of eighteen. Legally adult finally! I was jumping with joy imagining the plethora of freedom that will come my way suddenly. But sadly, my forever strict parents remained the same. If anything, they have now become even more aggressively strict. Let me first give you a […]

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Timothy’s loving Grandma

Everyone in school was almost too tired of Timothy’s grandma stories. He would always keep talking about the things he did with his loving grandma. At first, everyone found it sweet how he doted on his old lady but now it has kind of become boring for them. His idea of conversation starter was talking […]

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The Hot Waitress Offered Me More Than Just Room Service

My name is Ken and I am a 45 year old entrepreneur. I occasionally have to travel for my business and meet up with clients. You can say, much of the year gets spent at hotels for me. Especially in San Francisco, I have a very specific hotel where I always opt for their corporate […]

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The tryst with my secretary got out of hands

Amanda joined our office approximately 3 months back. It was a fresh addition to the otherwise middle-aged men dominated work place. She was approximately 29 years old and had an appealing body. The raw appeal of her sexy body was undeniable and almost every head turned when she walked by. She was my secretary. Needless […]

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Second life with my baby’s nanny

I was a single dad after my wife left for a sugar daddy. I was struggling to manage work and caring for two babies. And that is when Janice walked into our lives. The pretty southern belle was my aunt’s neighbor and she just breezed in, making everything easier. My twins immediately took to her, […]

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It’s worth cheating your wife if it is with Angela

Happily married for 15 years now, cheating is a thought that never crossed my mind. My wife Wendy and my lovely kids are my world. I never felt anything amiss in my life when with them. Little did I think, someday, there will be a situation where I would willingly risk it all. But at […]

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The Kinky Masseur

Joey is a guy of mid-thirties. He is good-looking with a well-built body but sadly he is still single because of his shy nature. He has a hard time talking to women. Hence, even though he desires them enough, he barely ever get laid. Almost out of desperation he started looking for solutions online. That’s […]

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I finally got to fulfil by fetish for leather

Hi, I am Tim- a guy at 45 years age, I am at the verge of mid-life crisis. I am married to my beautiful wife for almost 20 years now and we even have two wonderful kids. But when it comes to our bedroom romance, I am far from happy. There is nothing wrong with […]

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Margaret lost her virginity to a fling

After joining the New York University, Margaret never had a day of peace. She is from Oklahoma and the vibrant life of the city was beyond her. She had a hard time making her place among the divas in college. She could hardly imagine dressing so fashion-forward in an educational institution. But she wanted to […]

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