Recent Erotica Stories

Marriage is not enough to mend my sex life

Hello, I am Gerard, and this is my story. Let me start with a little introduction. I am a 35-year-old millionaire and self-made. I would not say I am past my prime time but then, I am married now. During my bachelor days, I enjoyed immense popularity among women and my sex life was pretty […]

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The new maid knows how to play

I am Steve. Living in Wellington for a while, twenty-eight-year-old and single- these has been my basic introduction for the past few years. Leading a bachelor’s life is easy and I never required much household helps. An occasional cleaning and dusting service sufficed. I was never very hyped with housekeeping and a surgically clean room. […]

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Erotic massage at a men’s parlor

I was an athlete, playing on the football team at my college. Today I was training and my body felt tired and stiff. So, on a recommendation I went to a spa for a massage. This place was highly recommended by someone and I was hoping to get some help with my stiffness. But it […]

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Crush on my teacher lead to unexpected things

My name is Ryan and I am a senior high school student in Ohio. I have been in this school ever since primary school and know almost everybody here. Let me give you a little detail about myself. I have always been more of a sporty guy than academics. At high school I am already […]

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The girl who fulfilled my fetish for foot

It has been a while since I was with someone. After my last breakup, I did not have the heart to pursue anyone else. Breakups were always hard for me, especially because I knew why they eventually left. My fantasies and fetishes seemed…um, too much to handle for them, I guess. My last girlfriend, Veronica […]

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Lesbian partner took me by surprise

I recently moved to New York from Kentucky. They geographical chance as well as cultural was immense. Adjusting to the new place and culture were not the only challenges though. I am Verona, and I am lesbian. It was not the best experience to come out of the closet in my teenage years in Kentucky. […]

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