Recent Erotica Stories

The Accidental Anal Fuck Become Our Favourite Act

Stephen and I are married for 9 years now and have earned the reputation of the most happening and happy couple in the neighbourhood. People aspire to be us- we have been setting couple goals for the younger generations. But behind closed doors, things were different. They were mundane. We both have reached an age […]

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Intense Love Between Neighbour Brother and Sister

I have been living in this neighbourhood for quite some time. There are many who are old residents of this place. But some are new as well. One such is the Smith Family that moved in right beside my house. I had found them a bit weird from the first day, especially the kids. There […]

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Fling with an Anal Virgin

I met Sophia through an online dating app. We have been going out for some time now. The feelings are mutual and by the looks of it, we are going to be strong for a long time ahead. Sophia is rather tall with a very curvy body. Her boobs and ass are exceptional. Especially her […]

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Had Amazing Sex with My Crush Who Turned Out to Be a Shemale

My name is Nick. I am Software Engineer residing in Las Vegas- the perfect place to be working by the day and partying by the night. I absolutely loved the night life of Las Vegas. Occasionally on weekends, I went out partying at a nearby nightclub and casino. That is where I met Cassandra. She […]

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Sex with my Sister I Met After Almost 10 Years

I have been away from home for a long time for my studies- spending most of my teenage and youth in hostels. Finally with my studies over, I returned to my home town. It has been almost 10 years since I last saw my town. As I walked up to the door of my home, […]

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Car Sex in the Parking lot of the office

I had been dating around for a while in a way my friends describe was “healthy”. But all I wanted was some bed-breaking sex with a complete stranger. I never had much appetite for a relationship and romantic stuffs. Men has been more like playthings for me. If you get horny, pick one, have fun […]

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I cheated for my sexual desires but I don’t regret

I have been married for 8 years now. We live in a quiet neighbourhood in Panaji in Goa. Our only child is off to hostel and it is just me and Salima at home all day. I am Sunny- a guy of 40 now. I own a small bar and restaurant in Panaji close to […]

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My neighbor blackmailed and fucked me for Cross dressing

I had recently moved in a townhouse unit in Oklahoma. Still trying to adjust to the new neighborhood, I was also doing my best to keep my hobbies a secret. You see, I am a cross-dresser by passion. But my new neighborhood is strictly catholic and I can imagine the uproar my fantasies might stir. […]

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