Recent Erotica Stories

My crossdressing fantasies

I had an affinity towards women’s clothes and have a lot of crossdressing fantasies. The soft silks, shimmery fabrics and bold colours – I loved them all. But I was a boy and all my friends would laugh if ever a boy wore a pink shirt. And I loved hose colours. I wanted to raid […]

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Fucking the Shemale Librarian on the table

I was a student by day and a firefighter by night. I had joined the team two years ago and was trying to get a college degree by attending classes at night. I often used to silently masturbate when I would go to the library, as I was alone in the evenings, at the almost […]

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From break up to first memorable sex

This wasn’t supposed to happen because it wasn’t planned at all. It was supposed to be a sad beginning for the newest year. But it was exactly the opposite of how we planned and I can’t believe I am not a virgin now. It had been a few years since I and Kevin has been […]

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Getting kinky on a road trip

I was going to be driving through the European country during my spring break and luck made me get kinky on a road trip. I had borrowed my dad’s old car and was now taking it through the country. I was going to go through quaint little towns on the way and breathtaking vistas. On […]

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Pounding my girlfriend’s ass on the roof

I had been craving anal sex for a while now and my girlfriend was away on work. But she was returning tomorrow and I decided to give her an ass-elusive surprise. She would be horny, having to wait so long and I would be ready to give it.  So, I planned it all on the […]

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Friends with benefits

It was a lazy morning, I was sipping cola when my phone vibrated, someone had pinged me on Instagram. The notification flashed on my screen. Alex had sent me a ‘hey’, I jumped on my seat, my heartbeat pace increased. Numerous questions were popping in my head all at once, ‘why would he text me?’, […]

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A fantastic night of firsts

I was late! I was running for an internal meeting and when I burst into the conference room, I saw it was empty? Only Sean was sitting there looking amused. “The meeting is cancelled,” he said in an understanding voice. I take a breath of relief and sit on the nearest chair. I had a […]

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Orgy with a shemale

My friends and I were planning a weekend getaway to my lake house where I experienced orgy with a shemale. I didn’t know that they were planning my birthday party too. I packed up and all of us headed to the house. Soon it was evening and I hear the doorbell. “Surprise delivery!” my friend […]

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Porno with the MILF next door

I had watched Mrs. P for over a year now, the hot MILF next door and I knew she was quite horny. She had many suitors who would visit and then I would hear banging on the wall followed by moans. I fantasized about her and then one day I met her in person. Her […]

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