Recent Erotica Stories

Real Story of Lust and Sex with my friends mother

Hi, guys, this is Andrew. I have always been attracted to mature and older women. I used to stay with my family in Miami. But recently I had to shift to Orlando for my post-graduation. To start with I am a 23-year-old guy. I am an average looking guy but quite friendly with people. I […]

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Erotic Sex with a shemale during pride parade

When I was growing up, I always felt different. Like I didn’t belong in this body. It may sound like a typical transgender discovery story, but it is not. I came from a very open family who would embrace every aspect of my personality. At age 7, when being a boy I wore my mom’s […]

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Erotic encounter with my friend’s mom

My name is Zen and this is my real story of an erotic encounter with my friend’s mom. I saw her for the first time and fell in love with her. It was 4 years back when my other friends and I used to meet at night time for playing cards. We used to sit […]

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Affair with a Nigerian Servant for my lust

Me and my husband recently moved to Nigeria. He has a business of developing animal skin products such as couches. He would often leave home for several days, to visit the animal farms. Thanks to his job, my house had the best of leather couches. On his days of visit, the only company I had […]

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Fetish sexual attraction to the leather boots

Hi, I am Shamil, I am 26 years old and Leather boots, especially the new ones attract me a lot. I don’t remember since when I acquired this fetish sexual attraction to the leather boots but one incidence, from 3 years ago is still fresh in my mind. I was on a trip to Goa […]

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How I became slut of my friend due to girly nature of mine

Hi, I am Shail and I am 21 now. The incident I am going to narrate happened in high school when I was 16 and became slut of my friend. My parents wanted a daughter but I was their only kid so, my mother often used to dress me up like a girl when I […]

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Unexpected Sensual Encounter with my Mother

I am Neil and this is the story of a sensual encounter with my mother. It all happened last year when I went to my home in the countryside to spend my holidays. I didn’t inform my mother about my arrival as I wanted to give her a surprise. As I entered the door, which […]

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Helping a colleague led to extra marital affair and sex

Hey everyone, I am Kevin. I am an engineer by profession and this story involves an ex-colleague of mine, Debbie. Debbie was a young, newly-married girl when she joined the office. She had a toned body with eye-soothing boobs and ass. She was totally worth checking out and the story is about our extra marital […]

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Aunt Convinced me for a cross dresser romance session

Hi, my name is Sam and I am a 26-year-old, slim physic cross dresser. I am a fashion designer and have a thing for female clothing. Not only I love designing female clothes but I also enjoy dressing as a girl. Coming to my story, this incident took place some years back when I was […]

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How to Cope up with Women’s Orgasm Time

Do you often orgasm before your women? You probably have, most of the time. There could be two reasons for that. Either you are suffering from premature ejaculation or your woman is the kind who takes longer to orgasm. We will discuss about how to cope up with Women’s orgasm time but first thing first, […]

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