Recent Erotica Stories

My first Gay sex experience with a man I met in a Pub

The first time I had sex with a man when I was nineteen. I knew I was attracted to other men and boys but in my very traditional family homosexuality wasn’t even talked about. I didn’t realise what my feeling meant. But that night, my first gay sex experience with a man changed everything. I […]

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Experience of my sex with a shemale

I was at my friend’s bachelor party in Vegas and was going to experience something different. We were hitting up several clubs and in one I met Irina. I saw her dancing over the bar. Great body and amazing tits. I looked up and smiled when she caught my eye. She smiled as well and […]

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My Fetish Sex Desires fulfilled by Husband

There was this fantasy of mine where I wanted to experience kinky sex with my man and push ourselves for further fetish sex. We had already done it outdoors and were exhibitionists. Now I wanted something new to spice up my sex life. I had asked Adam to surprise me and I was looking forward […]

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Kinky Sex with the Innocent Server

His eyes were following her every move. Katya was serving the drink in the billionaire’s party, moving graciously, heads down, shying away from anyone who made a pass at her. His gaze had so much intensity that even I could feel them from a distance, the strength of kinky sex and roughness. I had no […]

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I saw Uncle’s affair with our maid at our home

I have always heard or read about the extra-marital status bit had never been across any real incidents in my life until a few years ago. I am Nikita and I am 23 years old now. This incident happened when I was 19. I accidentally witnessed my uncle, father’s brother, having an affair with our […]

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Lesbian sex with my 52 year old boss

This happened four years back when I joined a new office. I was 26 years old at that time with fresh mind and body but inclined toward lesbian sex. My boss cum manager there was Betty. She was a 52-year-old lady with a little chubby body and a figure of 38D-38-36. She was a very […]

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The husbands of the best friends in Gay Relationship

Shreeja and Neha looked at their husbands lovingly. They both have bonded together very well and they were glad since they themselves have been inseparable since childhood. Naman put an arm around his new buddy Raghav and looked back at his wife chatting happily with her friend. He announced they are going into his study […]

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Experience of having Sex with a virgin on plane

After my semester exams were over, I was heading home to spend a couple of days of my holidays with my family. I was waiting at the airport for my flight which was due to depart at around 7:40 pm. The boarding call started around 7:00 pm and I boarded the flight and was adjusting […]

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Maya’s Lesbian Sex With Shanaya

She looked at her girlfriend sleeping right beside her. Her velvet soft skin shining in the morning sun. Her perky breast rising and falling with her breath as if inviting her to feast on them yet again. The night before has been exhilarating but she wanted more. She had never thought that she would be […]

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