Recent Erotica Stories

One night stand and Hookup with Boyfriend’s Best Friend

I sometimes don’t understand I should regret it or I should enjoy the memory. This constant battle wakes me up at night. I can’t face my boyfriend still now. It’s just he’s so innocent and if he ever finds out I cheated on him I don’t know how he’ll react. Yes I did cheat on […]

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Got Fucked by a Neighbour As he Saw me wearing my Sister’s Dress

My name is Justin and I am a 22-year-old guy with a good height and an average physic. This incident is about an encounter about how I got fucked by a neighbour. I was alone at the home once. I took advantage of the opportunity of being alone and had a couple of glasses of […]

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Dating and Sex with my Lesbian Partner

Sheila and I had been seeing each other for two weeks now and she is my lesbian partner. I was waiting for her naked in the bathtub. I press my nipples thinking about her as I take my bath. Soon I am dressed for bed and its then that she comes in. She sees me […]

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Unconventional Anal Sex Gave me Satisfaction

They always say, the first time is shocking, the second surprising and the third, well, there is no stopping. I have been a very adventurous and rebellious girl. I like to question things and people quite often, which earns me, quite a reputation. With this typical characteristic of mine, I was asked to leave my […]

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So finally I realised I like gay Sex after bad experiences

At eighteen years old, I knew I was different from most other guys my age. I played football, but didn’t sleep around like most of my peers. I did get my dick sucked by one cheerleader but I was barely able to come. I had started realising that maybe I like gay sex. I had […]

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My Wild sex Session with my Maid Alessia

Alessia was always a wild child and that what attracted me to her at first. There was this need to subdue her and fuck some sense into her, may be a wild sex session with my maid. I had made her my submissive and I could fuck some sense into her on a regular basis. […]

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How I became centre of attraction for rich gay men

Hello friends, my name is Ricky and this is the story of how I became a paid cross dresser two years back. It was during the Christmas holidays when I was in need of some money. I called my friend Kris and asked for his help. Though he agreed, he asked a favour in return. […]

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Lost Virginity to a Woman who was single and my neighbour

My next-door neighbour was hot. She was a thirty-something single woman and man she had the body of a goddess. If she was the one I could lose my virginity to, I’d die happy. I was a single, virgin 18-year-old boy and she was all woman with curves to kill for. That day, she saw […]

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Sensual erotic massage and anal sex with a masseur

I was feeling stressed lately and experienced back pain. My husband normally remains on business trips and I had nothing much to do. So I had called for a masseur to come home and give me a good rub on my back and shoulders. When he showed up my eyes bugged out. It was a […]

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Fetish seduction on my wedding night

In my family, women are always covered in a Burkha. It is believed that covering up a woman’s body keeps them safe from evil eye be it from their own father or even their husband’s ninth wife. Like in the western world, when I was a kid, we were never exposed to a woman’s body, […]

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